Yolo County
Home MenuDistrict 5 Angel Barajas
Angel Barajas
Dear Yolo County Residents,
I'm deeply honored to have been given the trust and responsibility to serve you as Yolo County Supervisor.
I would also like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the members of Woodland, Knights Landing, West Plainfield, Madison, Esparto, Dunnigan and the entire Capay Valley communities for opening their front doors and discussing issues and sharing personal stories with me. During the campaign I was able to engage with extraordinary people from all walks of life such as agricultural workers, farmers, parents, students, small business owners, public safety officers, seniors, educators, and other important community stakeholders. They have certainly shaped who we are as a County.
Since being sworn into office on January 4, 2021, I have worked with other County Supervisors colleagues, staff, and community members on the expansion of Covid-19 testing and vaccination rollout, Lower Cache Creek flood planning, Road 41, road maintenance concerns, homelessness, cannabis land use ordinance, public safety issues and much more.
My goal is for Yolo residents to not only feel, but to see that County leaders are providing equitable and effective representation to all sectors of our community. Yolo County has the potential to lead the region into economic, educational, and social prosperity. We will continue to work with community residents, nonprofits, agricultural industry, governmental agencies, educational institutions, businesses and labor communities, and other service providers to make this happen.
Yolo County District 5 Supervisor,
Angel Barajas
Supervisor Barajas can be reached at:
625 Court Street, Room 204
Woodland, CA 95695
Phone: (530) 666-8627
Fax: (530) 666-8193
Email: Angel.Barajas@yolocounty.org
Deputy Monica Rivera
Phone: (530) 666-8227
Email: Monica.Rivera@yolocounty.org
Assistant Deputy Catherine Diaz
Phone: (530) 666-8226
Email: Catherine.Diaz@yolocounty.org
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