Pesticide Containers for Recycling


The Yolo County Division of Waste Management, Community Services Department and the Yolo County Agriculture Department sponsors a plastic recycling program for agricultural pesticide containers in conjunction with the Agricultural Container Research Council (ACRC).

Plastic pesticide containers must by certified by the Agriculture Department prior to recycling. An appointment for a free inspection can be made by calling (530) 666-8140. To be approved, the pesticide containers must be empty, clean, uncapped, and dry. Please see the ACRC website for additional details about acceptable rinsing methods and to find out if your type of container is acceptable.

 Once the Ag Department has signed off on the Inspection Document, growers can bring the certified triple rinsed containers to the Yolo County Central Landfill on the designated FRIDAY, noted on your signed Inspection Document, between the hours of 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM.  Any containers not meeting triple rinse standards will be subject to Yolo County's Hazardous Waste Facility disposal and administrative fees.  If all containers are properly triple rinsed, there is no charge to recycle them. 

General Pesticide Container Rinsing and Disposal Instructions

Each emptied pesticide container (metal and plastic) which has held a liquid pesticide shall be properly rinsed by the user at the time of use.  Please see procedure below.

Do not crush containers. Puncture the bottom of all containers after rinsing so they cannot be reused.

Properly rinsed containers may be offered for disposal at the Yolo County Central Landfill (County Road 28H and 104). Certified acceptable plastic containers may be recycled at the Yolo County Central Landfill. Please see the Division of Integrated Waste Management website for current hours and maps of the recycling locations.

Section 6684 of the California Code of Regulations, Title 3, requires that each emptied container which has held less than 28 gallons of a liquid pesticide that is diluted for use shall be rinsed and drained by the user, at the time of use, as follows:

1. Use the following amount of water or rinse medium; replace closure securely and agitate.

Container Size/Amount of Rinse Medium
Less than five (5) gallons/1/4 container volume
Five (5) or more gallons/1/5 container volume

Drain rinse solution from container into the tank mix. Allow the container to drain thirty (30) seconds after normal emptying.

Repeat as above a minimum of two (2) times so as to provide a total of three (3) rinses (NOTE: rinse water should appear clear, if not additional rinses are necessary); OR,

2. Invert the emptied container over a nozzle located in the opening of the mix tank, which is capable of rinsing all inner surfaces of the container. Activate the rinse nozzle allowing the rinse solution to drain into the tank. The rinse shall continue until the rinse solution appears clear and a minimum of one-half of the container volume of rinse medium has been used. A minimum of 15 pounds pressure per square inch shall be used for rinsing; OR,

3. Other rinse methods, at least equal in effectiveness to the above, approved by the Director of the California Department of Pesticide Regulation.

All empty containers must be inspected by Yolo County Agriculture Department’s personnel prior to disposal or recycling at the Yolo County Landfill. Containers will only be inspected at the permittee’s storage site. An inspection document must accompany each load to the landfill.

 Ag Pesticide Containers Image 2021

 Triple Rinsed Pesticide Containers 2021