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What to Know

With widespread outbreaks of measles happening in the United States and internationally, and local cases transmitted within Yolo County, the chance of exposure to measles is increased at this time.

Measles is a highly contagious viral infection that spreads from person-to-person. A person with measles can spread the disease to others even before they have any symptoms. Most people who have not been immunized against measles will get it if they have contact with the virus.

The biggest risks for measles exposure for Yolo County residents are international travel, domestic travel through international airports, and contact with international visitors. The international travel associated with the 2019 California cases include India, Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam and the Ukraine.

The best way to keep from getting and spreading measles is to get the measles immunization. Measles immunization is available at your doctor’s office, local pharmacy or health clinic. If you do not know if you are immune to measles, see our frequently asked questions.

If you think that you or someone in your family has measles or has been exposed to measles, contact your doctor's office by phone right away. Tell them that you might have measles before you go in, so they can take steps to prevent other patients and staff from being exposed.


Measles can cause these signs of disease:

  • High Fever (over 101ºF)
  • Cough
  • Runny nose
  • Red watery eyes
  • A rash that starts on the face and spreads to the rest of the body

Measles is spread through a cough or sneeze by a person with measles and can still infect others 2 hours after the infected person has left a room. Persons with measles are contagious from 4 days before until 4 days after the rash appears. The incubation period for developing measles is up to 21 days after being exposed to someone else who has the disease.

Measles Public Exposure List

At this time Yolo County Infectious Disease Unit is not reporting any locations of measles exposure.