Community Outreach

The Yolo County Public Defender's Office is a community partner. In addition to giving back to non-profit organizations that benefit the Yolo County community, our office provides knowledgeable professionals as speakers for local community, civic, and social functions. We have spoken to groups regarding: criminal and constitutional law, providing an overview of the criminal justice system, providing an overview of the juvenile justice system, explaining constitutional rights of the accused, and defining the role of the Yolo County Public Defender's Office in the criminal justice system.

We are available to speak to the local community, civic organizations, students, or social organizations. If you are interested in having a representative from the Yolo County Public Defender's Office provide information to your group please contact Yolo County Public Defender Tracie Olson at

Examples of Our Community Outreach Include:

Yolo Public Defender CARES is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which was formed to partner with the Yolo County Public Defender’s Office to fill gaps in resources necessary to support people impacted by the local criminal legal system. Aligned with the Public Defender’s Office’s mission to holistically meet indigent clients’ needs outside of the courtroom, CARES aims to provide financial and tangible supports to justice-involved individuals, especially those who are re-entering their communities after a period of incarceration. For example, CARES funds can be used to assist indigent clients who are released from jail and who must wait to reinstate their food stamp benefits. Funds can also pay for a person’s transportation home from jail or to court, their rent or utilities while waiting to secure income, or essential prescription medications upon release from incarceration. CARES accepts charitable donations through the Public Defender website and conducts fundraising events. For example, in March 2023, CARES partnered with MOD Pizza to “raise some dough” where a portion of purchases were donated to Yolo Public Defender CARES.


Voter Education Outreach and In-reach: Under current law, individuals with criminal histories may vote unless they are currently serving a state or federal prison term for a felony conviction. Generally, those with a prior felony conviction, pending charges, serving a jail sentence as result of a misdemeanor conviction or as a condition of felony or misdemeanor probation, or who are on parole or probation are eligible voters. However, many people are unaware of their voting rights. In partnership with the Yolo County Elections Office and Probation Department, the YCPD held voter education and registration events to target criminal justice system impacted residents in order to inform them of their right to vote and assist them with becoming a registered voter. 


Holiday Toy Shoppe event: For this community event, the YCPD transformed its conference room into a magical Toy Shoppe. Toy and stocking stuffer donations were arranged so adults could pick out presents for the children in their lives in preparation for the upcoming holidays. The goal of the event was to help clients maintain strong family ties and to alleviate financial stressors exacerbated by family separation or other consequences of criminal legal system involvement such as imposition of court fines and barriers to employment.


This year we are partnering with Toys for Tots. For this community event, the YCPD transformed its conference room into a magical Toy Shoppe. Toy and stocking stuffer donations were arranged so adults could pick out presents for the children in their lives in preparation for the upcoming holidays. The goal of the event was to help clients maintain strong family ties and to alleviate financial stressors exacerbated by family separation or other consequences of criminal legal system involvement such as imposition of court fines and barriers to employment.  Interesting in donating toys for this event?  This year we are partnering with Toys for Tots so toys can be donated either directly to our office or in any local Toys for Tots collection bin.


Warrant Clearing Clinic: This clinic was born out of a partnership with Project Homekey, the commercial property in West Sacramento that was turned into shelter for people experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, homelessness. The YCPD provides on-site legal representation to Homekey participants with active arrest warrants and unresolved criminal charges. Attorneys and client advocates meet participants at the Homekey site and help them to successfully navigate the criminal legal process with the goal of avoiding convictions or other consequences which would create additional barriers to long term stability. From this project, the Warrant Clearing Clinic now does outreach to various community support agencies in an effort to partner with case managers, advocates, and other support staff to help clients address unresolved criminal charges. The goal of the warrant clearing clinic is to help clients better partner with their legal team and utilize their existing support services to advocate for diversion or a legal outcome with the fewest collateral consequences. 


The mission of Defenders of Tomorrow is to expose underrepresented students in high school and community college to the legal profession and the different roles within public defense. YCPD staff make in-person presentations at different schools throughout the county to engage with students and encourage them to attend a day-long summer event where they network with Public Defender attorneys and other staff, observe court proceedings, and receive information about how to prepare for higher education and employment opportunities. Students also have the opportunity to share about the issues they see in their communities, the changes they wish to see, and how the YCPD can help.


Clothing drives: The YCPD maintains a clothing closet as a resource for anyone impacted by Yolo County’s criminal legal system, including those recently released from Yolo County jail or state prison. This clothing closet allows individuals struggling with homelessness and poverty to obtain clean, weather appropriate clothing which will aide them during their transition from custody to the community. The office also maintains a clothing closet of court appropriate attire because, right or wrong, people are often judged by their appearance. Therefore, clothes matter. Donations of used and new clothing are accepted year-round.   


Snack Drives: The YCPD maintains a small snack pantry as a resource for anyone impacted by Yolo County’s criminal legal system and who is struggling with food insecurity.   When a client comes into our office to have an appointment with the attorney, social worker, paralegal, and/or investigator assigned to the case, it is important that they feel comfortable and that their most basic needs are met.  This includes food.  We recognize that it is nearly impossible to have critical conversations with clients when they haven’t eaten yet that day or are worried when they may next eat.  For this reason, our office maintains a snack pantry with packable, non-perishable, ready-to-eat snacks so that clients may be offered food and/or beverage when they are in the office.  Snack donations are accepted year-round.

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2018-2019 clothing drive

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Email Public Defender's Office