Yolo County
Home MenuYolo County Homeless and Poverty Action Coalition (HPAC)
Davis/Woodland/Yolo County Continuum of Care (CoC) (CA-521)
The Davis/Woodland/Yolo County Continuum of Care (CA-521), hereafter known as the Yolo County Homeless and Poverty Action Coalition (HPAC), is a local nonprofit that provides leadership and coordination on the issues of homelessness and poverty in Yolo County.
Our Meetings
HPAC convenes throughout the year, generally held on the fourth Wednesday of every month from 9-10:45 a.m. Currently these meeting are being held virtually online. These meetings focus on community-wide homeless issues, new requirements from the federal or state government, discussion of best practices, and coordination across providers. HPAC also convenes four subcommittees: data subcommittee, technical subcommittee, coordinated entry subcommittee, and performance and monitoring subcommittee). Meetings for these subcommittees range from a monthly to quarterly basis. HPAC also holds quarterly providers meetings.
The public is always welcome to attend these meetings.
Please note: To receive updated meeting details and information about funding and projects pertinent to HPAC, sign up for our mailing list by emailing Trevor Quach (trevor@yolohpac.org) with your name, email, organization (if applicable), and any other contact information you wish to provide.
Our Tenets
HPAC strives to achieve the following tenets:
Mission: Provide leadership on homelessness and poverty in Yolo County.
Vision: Create and sustain a comprehensive, coordinated, and balanced array of human services for homeless and low-income individuals and families within Yolo County.
Coordination: Achieve a synergistic relationship with the Yolo County Commission to Address Homelessness to achieve all of the goals in the Yolo County Strategic Plan to End Homelessness and to address issues of homelessness and poverty countywide.
Our Roles and Responsibilities
HPAC serves numerous roles and responsibilities, many of which fulfill federal, state, and local government mandates. Such activities include:
- Locally implementing the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act;
- Locally implementing the region’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)
- Maintaining a coordinated response among service providers to ensure continuity of services;
- Assessing needs and identifying gaps in services for persons facing homelessness in Yolo County on an ongoing basis;
- Supporting the planning, funding and development of services to meet prioritized needs within Yolo County;
- Planning, developing and sustaining options to meet the housing needs of people facing homelessness; and
- Promoting access to and effective utilization of mainstream human services programs.
Our Board
The HPAC board is made up 15 individuals from throughout the County who have a vested interest in issues of homelessness and poverty. HPAC is made stronger through the participation of a broad and diverse board. Five board seats are reserved for individuals with agencies new to HPAC, five board seats are reserved for individuals with legacy agencies and five board seats are ex officio seats reserved for representatives from the City of Davis, City of West Sacramento, the City of Woodland, Yolo County, and Yolo County Housing Agency.
Those interested in joining, may do so by completing the application process and being voted in when there is a vacancy. Interested parties from the following organizations are encouraged to apply: nonprofit homeless assistance providers, victim service providers, faith-based organizations, businesses, advocates, school districts, social service providers, mental health agencies, hospitals, universities, affordable housing developers, law enforcement agencies, organizations that serve veterans, people experiencing homelessness, and formerly homeless individuals.
For a full explanation regarding voting rights and eligibility requirements, please read HPAC's Bylaws.
Our Policies and Procedures
HPAC routinely reviews and updates its policies and procedures to ensure that it operates local homeless programs within the parameters, best practices and requirements from the State and Federal governments. The most recently adopted Manuals are provided below: